Little Steps Can Bring BIG Results

little steps can bring big results

When faced with an episode of depression, getting back into recovery seems like a giant goal.  Most importantly, realize that little steps can bring big results. I needed to relearn how to sleep, eat, and even concentrate.

Also, I needed to recover my self-worth, my energy, and my enthusiasm.  This required finding my way back to living the life that depression stole from me.  Just thinking about all these things can be exhausting and downright depressing.

“There is no one giant step that does it.  It’s a lot of little steps.”
– Peter A. Cohen

So how did I begin the process of recovery?  One little step at a time is the only way.  The first step is to agree to be admitted to a treatment facility where healthcare professionals do what they know best. Upon my release, I moved to out-patient care which is the next step in recovery. I engineered all of the following steps. So that is when the real work begins.  Why?  Because I am the one responsible for my own recovery. I am the one who is holding myself accountable for the small steps that must be taken each day.

Some of those actions might include getting out of bed, getting dressed or taking a short walk. As well as preparing a well-balanced meal, running an errand, and reading in my devotional. Additionally, writing in my journal, answering a phone call, or feeding my cat. Others are bringing in the mail, paying a bill, putting in a load of laundry, or walking into my office. These are just some of the beginning steps required to attain the giant goal—recovery.

Reflection Question

What are the small steps you can start taking to get to your giant goal–recovery?



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler