Stop Negative Thoughts From ‘Looping’ In Your Mind

Stop Negative Thoughts

Like like most individuals, you may have “broken records” engrained in your memory from days past. Hurtful or limiting statements others made ended up stored in the “closet of your mind.”

I’ve never met a person who can’t recall one or two of their own “broken records.” Don’t let negative self-talk play in your head on repeat. Drown it out using hope. In addition, stop negative thoughts from looping in your mind.

Years ago, I took a course that totally stretched me out of my comfort zone. As I got deeper and deeper into the material a few of my own stored “broken records” began to play.  For example, records such as, “You aren’t smart enough to get into a four-year college.” and “You would be better off becoming a ….”

But as fate would have it, the discouraging thoughts were shattered and replaced by the gift of encouragement. Through the course, faith and prayer, I felt those “broken records” shatter into a million pieces.

I heard the words, “Leave years go by behind and let the years ahead be your best.   You are where you should be. Share your gifts with the world.” This was the perfect message of hope and expectation.

Therefore, the fact that the best years are ahead of us is something we all need to be reminded of.  Encouragement and belief provide new records if we allow them to.  Also, optimistic expectations set us up for a better future.

The future is full of endless possibilities.  Live life to the fullest. And I don’t know about you, but I plan to run not walk into the best years yet!

Reflection Question

What will it take for you to be kinder to yourself?



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler