Stop Dwelling on the Past and Seize the Day

seize the day

Many of us living with mental health disorders frequently look back over past episodes. There are times when we find ourselves encased there as if our feet were stuck in concrete, unable to move.  What has happened in our lives has happened.  Therefore it can’t be undone, no matter how hard we try. It’s time to bring out a jackhammer and break out your feet from the concrete that’s been enclosing them. There is nothing you can do to change the past. Instead, try directing your focus toward changing the future. Stop dwelling on the past and seize the day.

Today is a new day filled with opportunities of the present. To clarify, open your mind, heart, and soul. Take a deep breath and linger there for a moment. Feel the present—it’s a new day.

So, what would you like today to include? How about a walk to start your day and to clear your mind? For example, getting outside on a fall morning brings the changing season with all its majesty of colors and crisp air.

Not up for a walk– why not read something inspiring? Pick up a book you have had for years that shares either inspiring stories or quotes.  Oh, if you don’t have a book—what about getting on a computer (at home or in the library) to search for stories or quotes?

Not up for reading–why not listen to music that you enjoy?  Music lifts your spirits and provides a life-source of energy.  You might even spend a few minutes dancing by yourself as your spirits lift and you begin to embrace today.  This new day awaits you. And new opportunities too if you allow them in!

Reflection Question

What’s it going to take for you to start embracing today?



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler