Depression and Anxiety Extinguish My Energy and Enthusiasm

depression and anxiety extinguish my energy and enthusiasm

Depression and anxiety extinguish my energy and enthusiasm but also dims colors in my world.  However, I am fortunate to have many human beings from family and friends to healthcare professionals in my life. Together they have rekindled my light and brought me back to the living and at times to the thriving.

When we find ourselves in a lifeless, colorless existence, it can be daunting and exhausting.  Undeniably, this is when our support team can make all the difference.  Yet during this time, we find it most difficult to ask for help. Or even let others assist when they offer.

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being.  Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.”
–Albert Schweitzer

Interestingly enough, I recall feeling embarrassed when family and friends came to visit me in the hospital. At the same time, I felt enlightened because of their visit.  They brought the outside world inside to my dark hospital existence.  For a “blink of a moment” I captured a flicker of their light.  So, what’s a person to do?

I recommend opening up a discussion with your family and friends during your recovery. Acknowledge and appreciate their support during your time of need. Acknowledge that you may not have seemed receptive to their visits or calls while you were in an episode. But as a matter of fact, your social isolation was eased by their presence and love.

Reflection Question

When was the last time you thanked those around you who have rekindled your light?



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler