Four Life Lessons to Help You Learn & Grow

four life lessons

Many years ago, I heard someone say, ‘We must all become life-long learners because the road to success is always under construction.”  Once you reflect on this statement, you begin to realize that every day is an opportunity to become a student. Here are four life lessons to help you learn and grow from past experiences.

Keep your eyes, ears, heart, and mind open at all times. You will be pleasantly surprised at the abundance of lessons within your reach.  I have learned to take daily experiences and glean the lesson within hours of the circumstance. And you, too, can achieve the same learning.

Here are some examples:

You lend a friend money. Your friend doesn’t make any effort to pay you back.
The lesson: Either you never lend money again or if you lend money, view it as a gift not expecting it returned.

You were driving your normal route to work when you came across a detour, which cut time off your commute.
The lesson: Don’t settle for the first route. Be willing to explore other ways of getting places.

You share something in confidence with someone. And before you know it that person tells another person.
The lesson: Sharing “fragile” information with another person first takes developing a trustful relationship.

You are at work completing your tasks the way you always do. A coworker comes by and shows you a shortcut.
The lesson: Be open to new ways of doing things or recognize there is more than one way to complete a task.

The experiences you encounter will continue to provide the lessons to keep learning. Just remember to be open and willing. Because you never know when the next lesson is within your reach!

Reflection Question

What lesson have you learned lately? I’d like to hear from some of my readers. Leave a comment below about a lesson you have learned and how it has changed you.



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler