A Gift of Words to Last A Lifetime

gift of words to last a lifetime

Years ago, following a keynote speech I delivered at a mental health retreat, I received a gift of words to last a lifetime. I received confirmation of a loving force greater than anything I could have imagined. I shared my gifts of experience. But the greatest gift received was provided to me.

A Gift of Words

Following my presentation, a woman, who was sitting front and center during my speech, approached me. Her message brought both tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.

“You have angels’ wings surrounding you when you speak.”
–Wendy Witherspoon

Often when I give presentations, sharing my darkest moments of depression have unnerved me.  It would take hours to relax and feel peace again.  I often wondered if these uncomfortable emotions would ever cease.  Unquestionably, I received my answer. When I speak of those darkest moments, “I am wrapped in angels’ wings”.  I am not standing alone when I share from a place that consumed me and brought me to my knees in desperation.

Reflecting back, my faith has always been at the center of my life.  During those darkest moments of depression and anxiety, I only felt relief in a religious setting.  During my four hospitalizations, whenever there was an opportunity to attend a religious service, no matter what the denomination, I was drawn to attend.  It was during those services that for a short time my world was not consumed by suicidal ideation.  I now wonder if during those services the reason the suicidal ideation ceased was that then, too, I was wrapped in angels’ wing. What a comforting thought.

Reflection Question

How does it make you feel knowing that you too may have angels’ wings wrapped around you during your darkest moments of depression or anxiety?



About the Author

Carol A. Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. Carol is available for speaking engagements in the U.S and internationally.  Email or call Carol at (609) 882-8988.

photo of mental health expert Carol Kivler